Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tutorial One: Information technology

Information technology is "the production, storage and communication of information using computers and microelectronics (Hanks, 1989).

Information technology (IT) has become very common place over time. Most of the technology (listed below) was not even around 20 years ago or was only just developing. IT is and will continue to develop.

There is a range of IT devices and systems which I am confident using, these include:
  • Computers/laptops
  • cellphones
  • Ipods
  • Telephone
  • Internet - social networking (face book), email, blackboard, banking, searching
  • Scanners
  • Camera
Looking back on field work experiences that i have had already there is a lot of IT that is being used in practice
  • Power wheelchairs - easier to clients to stay mobile and maintain independent

  • Adaptive equipment - is used to assist clients with everyday tasks

  • Laptops/computers - used for internet - searching, emailing, ordering

  • phones/cellphones - to keep in and make contact with staff members and clients for updates and making appointments.
Ethical implications that arise from IT are:
  • It is less personal - there is a lot less face to face interactions between people such as team members and team members to clients and/or clients family. There is more interaction through text messaging and email.

  • People have the ability to look up information or get issues off their mind without being seen by friends, family and the general public as well as looking at what others have to say.

  • People can produce fake identities and older people can look at younger boys/girls.
Computer ethics are a branch of practical philosophy which deals with how computing professionals should make decisions regarding professional and social conduct.

Intellectual Property is used for various legal entitlements which attach to certain types of information, ideas and other intangibles in their expressed form. Intellectual property reflects the idea that this subject matter is the product of the mind of the intellect and that intellectual property rights may be protected at law in the same way as any other form of property.

Social justice is based on the idea of society which gives individuals and groups fair treatment and just share of the benefits of society. Although what is 'fair treatment' and 'just share' must remain unclear or subject to interpretation.

Informed consent is a legal condition where an individual can be said to have given consent based upon an appreciation and understanding of the facts and implication of an action.

It is important in our practice as an occupational therapist (OT) that we understand IT. IT is used in everyday life for OT's using such things as email and cell/telephone to contact clients and communicate with team members, computer documents to write client notes and reports and also with clients to create a teaching tool such as making a CV OT showing websites of useful information.

Problems can occur with IT such as the computer crashing which can lead to delays in accessing clients information. Ethical issues to consider include once on the internet it is more readily accessible to anyone worldwide. Hackers can get into your systems and find personal information on clients such as their client notes, history, address and phone numbers etc... You can use firewalls and virus protection to try and prevent this but it not always 100% successful.

Hanks, P. (ed). (1989). Collins Concise Dictonary. Glasgow: Bath press

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